
If you have any questions about our site’s disclaimer, feel free to email us at [email protected]

Disclaimer for Delta

All the information on this website (Delta-iOSExecutor.com) is provided in good faith and for general purposes. Delta Executor doesn’t guarantee that the information is complete, reliable, or accurate. Any actions you take based on the information you find on this site are at your own risk. We are not responsible for any losses or damages from using our website.

We may link to other websites, but we don’t control the content on those sites. Including these links doesn’t mean we recommend all the content on them. The content on those sites can change at any time, and we may not be able to remove broken or outdated links right away.

Please note that when you leave our website, other sites may have different privacy policies and terms, so we suggest checking their policies before sharing any information or doing business with them.


By using our website, you agree to the terms of this disclaimer.


If we make any changes to this disclaimer, we will post them here.

Copyright Information

All content on Delta-Executor.org is either submitted by email or found in public spaces on the internet. We believe we have the right to use this content under the U.S. Copyright Fair Use Act (Title 17, U.S. Code).

Copyright Infringement Notification

Delta-Executor.org follows the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). If you believe your copyrighted material has been posted on our site, please send us a written notice with the following details:

  1. Proof that you are the authorized person to act on behalf of the copyright owner.
  2. Your contact information, including a valid email address.
  3. A description of the copyrighted work and a search term to find it on our site.
  4. A statement that you believe the material is being used without the copyright owner’s permission.
  5. A statement that the information you provided is true, and that you are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.
  6. The notice must be signed by the authorized person.

Send the notice to [email protected]. Please allow one or two days for a response. Emailing other parties will not speed up the process